CFD Virtual Reality Institute
- Applied Research in Computational Fluid Dynamics and Virtual Reality
- Bridging the gap between Academia and Industry
- Contract and Sponsored Research
- You have a difficult problem to solve using CFD,
- You need your computed results to be closer to measurements,
- Academic research in CFD is not sufficient for your needs.
CFD Virtual Reality Institute (CFDVRi) is a unique, independent, research organization located in Dharamshala, Himachal Pradesh, India. CFDVRi undertakes research in the fields of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) and Engineering Virtual Reality (EVR). We also bring academic advances in these fields into practical use and apply the results in industrial situations. Our R and D services have benefited many clients in both, the private and the public sectors.
CFDVRi is a not-for-profit organization, registered in Himachal Pradesh under section 25 of the Indian Companies Act (1956).
Dr. Akshai K. Runchal, the Director of CFDVRi, is an internationally acknowledged expert in CFD with over 40 years of experience. He was a member of a core group of 3 persons working under the guidance of Prof. D. Brian Spalding at Imperial College who developed the Finite Volume method (FVM) in mid-1960's which is today the most widely employed CFD methodology.